Monday 27 June 2011

Back to the blog.

It's hard to believe I have been unable to write this blog for three whole weeks. I have been up to my eyes in moving furniture, decorating, replacing furniture, waiting for deliveries etc.etc. I am very grateful to Harry for doing all the heavy work that I am now unable to do due to my Arthritis. He has worked like a Trojan and one so much in terms of preparation, decoration and construction.The good thing is that now the dining alcove that was our office is now a dining alcove again and the spare bedroom is now an office with a sofa-bed(yet to arrive)and a proper desk and PC space. It's so much more comfortable and easier to work in.I am looking forward to a creative autumn and winter in my designated soft green work-space where I can work without being disturbed or hearing the phone ring. With regard to writing and poetry, well, not much of that has happened over the last three weeks. I have put some ideas down that will be developed later and I did go to the Poetry Cafe held in that nice little Swedish cafe in Rodney St. in Cheltenham.I enjoyed that and my poems went down well with one man coming up to me afterwards to make very complimentary remarks about my piece 'Lost In Transit'. Bless you Davey Jones for being so kind.I have had a further problem in that I am getting used to a different and strong pain-killer for my pain. It makes me sleepy, leaves a bitter taste and makes me feel queasy. It's hard to be creative with that going on,plus, the underlying pain itself which is always present to a greater or lesser degree. so, as my old Da would say, It's a grand life if you don't weaken. I try not to weaken but it's a struggle. Against pain, fatigue, side effects and domestic life which intrudes but cannot be avoided.

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