Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Still working on it.

Since the last entry here I have been in touch with my publisher to ask a few more questions regarding the forthcoming collection. They sent me a template which ,I have to admit, I didn't know what to do with. That's been cleared up and I simply have to cut and paste my poems into it. That will give me good idea of how it will look when finished. I have also added a few more poems and started writing a couple more to add. I went to Buzzwords Poetry last Sunday and the workshop really got my brain working. It was great to have such a stimulating time. In addition to the collection I am reviewing a book of poetry by an american poet who I had not previously heard of. It's an interesting and challenging thing to do and I am enjoying it. I'm also grateful to the publisher who sent me the book to review and to Alison Brackenbury for pointing me toward the Happenstance website. This is an excellent place to check for tips and advice on making a review. My crime thriller is progressing but I am still waiting for a response to my self-help book. I don't expect to hear anything for a few months on this. So, as usual, there is plenty to work on. I want to get things up to date because I go into hospital again in three weeks for my knee replacement. I don't know how difficult it will be to sit at the PC or for how long I might be away from the computer. Leaving things tidy will put my mind at rest. Besides that, as soon as the sun becomes a little warmer, I shall want to be outside, in the garden.

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