Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A Night in the Speigeltent.

Last nights Gloucester writers Network event was full of surprises for me. Firstly, the tent was a fabulous confection of architectural styles. A sort of melange of Burlesque, Rococo, Baroque and Fairground. I kept expecting a carousel of horses to rise slowly from the floor and rotate around us.The cupola was edged with coloured windows, the supporting beams were clad in moulded cherubs, people and various plant forms and the main roof was alternating great swags of green and dark red velvety fabric. The walls sported decorative mirrors, more mouldings in the shape of swags of foliage and every wall panel was coloured and decorated. It was all very opulent and there was a bar, just to make it even more civilised. The second surprise was how well attended the event was. Most of the tables and chairs were full and believe me it was a large venue. I saw many old friends and the atmosphere was very comfortable. I enjoyed the readings very much. The stories and poems were interesting, thought provoking, poignant and sometimes funny. All emotions were catered for. I also loved having a proper sound system for vocal clarity. I haven't been on a stage with foldback since I was a percussionist years ago. Thank you sound man, for getting the balance right. Rona Laycock organiser(and editor of Graffiti Magazine) did a sterling job of organising us readers and of being MC for the night. Finally, although I knew that I had won the poetry section of this competition (though not until a few errors in communication were sorted out) I didn't know that there was a trophy that I am to keep for a year or that there was a cash prize. I was delighted then, to go home feeling proud that I had won and hadn't fluffed my words and carrying the beautiful Poets Hare trophy and fifty quid in my purse. The Hare is sitting on my desk for inspiration and I am very tired. The only thing I didn't like, from a purely personal point of view, was that the step up to the stage was too high. My arthritic knees would't allow me to scale the step so I had to ask for help. Not something I like doing. Thankfully, Guy,who was also reading,was there to help me up. Thanks Guy and your story was brilliant. I loved it. So. A good night all round. I wonder what next years theme will be?

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