Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Poetry on the Pavement.

Poetry on the Pavement turned out to be under the beautiful old Market House. Ross-on-Wye. It had a great view down the sloping hill of the high St. In the distance, golden fields of cut hay could be seen. The other poets were made up of members of the Inkwell writing group. There was a good range of topics read in a very enjoyable way. I had the privilege of opening and closing this event. The audience was appreciative. Even when the rain fell in curtains beyond the lovely sandstone arches of the Market House. We simply moved further in and carried on. As there was no amplification we did have to compete a few times with large lorries that rumbled by behind us. Being blessed (or cursed depending on your point of view) with quite a carrying voice,I was able to be heard. I met some lovely people and enjoyed the event very much. I am grateful to organizer sue Hill for offering me the gig. Also grateful, as ever, to Harry for driving me there and back and generally being my poet roadie. There is picture to go with this entry.

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