A Dream with Conscience.
The dream breathed out a sigh.
Saddened by its dark form.
It could not choose its clothing
when emerging from its random
nightly birth. Its nightmarish garb
had caused a lake of fear and its
guilt was a sharp probe needling
under its skin. As it flowed away
from the weeping child it hoped
that it would not have to visit again.
Black Eyes.
We walk Orwellian streets
Bathed in the bland gaze
Of watching automatons.
That perch on poles,
Hide under eaves,
And follow our every move with
Black eyes grimy and glazed.
They are not tempered by reason or
Gifted with judgement, they
Simply spy and relay.
Sharing our faces with
Anonymous digital databases.
Keeping tags. Storing us away.
For future checks and reference.
As we pursue our lives
Wrapped in our ignorant innocence.
Here is the Feather Forecast.
Featured on the website of Richard Angwin. Weatherman on TV’s Points West news programme.
In forests there will be a hoot of Owls,
spreading out to certain barns and wooded places.
Whilst coastal areas will see Gulls sweeping in
in a dense fog of white.
These will blow ashore with the occasional smattering
of Tern and Guillemot.
Further inland, low pressure will deliver
a depression of crows to most areas.
There is a severe feather warning to all towns and cities.
As heavy squalls of pigeons move onto high buildings.
In the countryside blizzards of starlings will
make visibility difficult for a short time,
while an anabatic flow of Canada Geese
will hover over hills with a gradual move toward the south.
There is a possibility of low clouds of Magpies
backing to the west and an incoming cold front
will ruffle all blackbirds.
In the east, Grebes Bitterns and Godwits
will sweep over the fens, swiftly breaking up
as they meet warm air coming up from the south west.
All rivers will see a continuing flash of Kingfishers,
with a flurry of swans along the banks.
Meanwhile there may be a slow precipitation of finches
and all gardens will have a slight scatter of sparrows.
And that is the forecast for today.
three more nice poems Miki
ReplyDeleteLiked the idea of a bad dream having a conscious - where do tese good ideas come from - I was going to say it might be the drugs!!
loved the feather forecast Miki and the matter of 'factness' of the ending.