Saturday 15 December 2012

Catching up again.

The week before Christmas. I am feeling much better following a long drawn out attempt to get new drugs for my condition. I finally have them and feel that my life is getting back on track. I have to say that recent events have affected my writing. Some of my poems are dark, reflecting how I felt. I do however have a lot of work in my 'work in progress' folder. I shall continue to edit and re-work these pieces until such time as I decide to send them off somewhere. I have recently had seven poems accepted by a magazine in the states, which is great. It's nice to have ones work read further afield. I have also sent out a copy of my Christmas poem to all and sundry and had very nice responses to it. It is the same one I sent last year but in all honesty I haven't bettered it yet.It says how I feel and that sums it up. Why gild the Lilly? My novel is coming on. I'm about half way through. I have the ending and I'm working my way toward it. I intend to go back and add to it to give it a more 'writerly' feel when the plot is down. I don't know if other people do that but it's my first novel and I'm feeling my way. all in all the terrible months of illness haven't wreaked the havoc I thought they might and I'm thankful for that. I'm suspending writrng now till after Christmas, unless inspiration strikes. I wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and all that you wish yourselves for the New year.

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